"No one in his family knew anything about sickle cell when he was diagnosed, and it had a devastating impact on his family. The news altered my family dynamic in a major way. My mom, a nurse at the time, lost her job because she needed to stay home and take care of me. Her career goals were gone."
“When I’m in that moment of pain in the emergency room, I can’t even think for myself. The pain is debilitating and they’re asking me questions like, ‘Are you sure you have sickle cell? We need to look into this,’” says Mimi, a 37-year-old lawyer and mom of four.
Pull Up Experience w/ Calvanay Nunley & Cayenne Wellness (Support Group).
We host open forums for clients and their families to share and learn from each other with a focus on self-advocacy. These quarterly meetings focus on the sickle cell community and give a platform to strengthen each other and exchange experiences.
Our internship is open to high school and college students and provides a unique opportunity to engage in community organizing, health advocacy, and non-profit management. Please click to learn more.
Networking California for Sickle Cell Care
Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital
UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital
Sickle Cell Data Collection
Vertex Pharmaceuticals